Registration form

Please register at MOGRA 2023 Registration Form (Click Here) by Microsoft Forms.
Registration form was closed

Important Dates

The registration form will be closed on 20 October 2023.
We will limit the number of registration to about 100 due to the capacity of the conference room.
The number of hotel rooms is also limited, so we recommend proceeding with early registration.

Abstract submission for the contributed talk will be closed on 20 September 2023.
Abstract submission for the contributed talk will be closed on 20 October 2023 (it will be closed earlier when the talk slots are filled).
You can submit information about your talk in the registration form.
Please note that due to the conference schedule, we may not be able to accommodate your request for contributed talk.

Registration Fee and Payment Methods

The registration fee is 1500 CNY, which includes coffee breaks, lunches, and dinners.
(Registration fee may change depending on the number of participants.)
Please pay the registration fee at the registration desk when you arrive at the conference venue.

To pay the registration fee, you can use Alipay (支付宝), WeChat (微信), Chinese credit card, and cash.
Please prepare cash if you cannot use Chinese online payment Apps or Chinese credit cards.

For oversea participants, to use Alipay or WeChat payment methods, the following websites may be helpful:

Instruction for Registration Form

1. Participant's information
Please fill in basic information.
2. Abstract Submission
We are calling for contributed talks in addition to invited talks.
If you wish to give a presentation, please fill in the title and abstract of your talk.
3. Accommodation
We can arrange the accommodation for you (same hotel as the conference venue).
If you wish to book another hotel, please make your reservation by yourself.
4. Others
If you have any special requirements, please fill in the detail.

Corrections of Registered Information

If you need to modify the your registered information, please send us email.

Please use the email address and subject as follows
To: (please replace -at- by @)
Subject: Registered information in MOGRA2023