International Conference on Modified Gravity (MOGRA)
I have organized series of international coanference, MOGRA, named after "mogura (もぐら in Japanese)" that
means "mole" in English.
The focus of MOGRA series is recent progress in the study of gravitational theory, specially modified
gravity theory,
and its theoretical and phenomenological applications including:
Challenge for the standard model of Cosmology
Study on the dark side of the Universe
Astrophysical applications, including gravitational waves and compact objects
Observational and experimental tests of gravitational theory
Progress in other theoretical and phenomenological studies
Past MOGRAs are as follows:
- MOGRA 2023
Period: November 18 - 20, 2023
Website: MOGRA 2023
- Place: Junyi Dynasty Hotel, Wuhan, China
- Supported by the Institute of Astrophysics at Central China Normal University.
- MOGRA 2018
Period: August 8 - 10, 2018
Website: MOGRA 2018
- Place: KMI Symposia, Nagoya University, Japan
- Supported by the Kobayashi-Maskawa Institute for the Origin of Particles and the
Universe (KMI) at Nagoya University.
Lecture Note on F(R) Gravity Theory